Well today is Halloween and I wish all readers a very safe and spookacular day. Have fun and dont get the recycled pants scared off ya! LMAO

This blog was started to tell why my family and I started using eco-friendly products. It has went on to be more than that and I am very proud of it. Thanks for visiting
New Gas Tips (Every penny counts).
I don't know what you guys are paying
for gasoline....
Here in California we are also paying higher,
up to $3.50 per gal. But my line of work is
in petroleum for about 31 years now,
so here are some tricks to get more
of your money's worth for every gallon.
Here at the pipeline where I work in
San Jose, CA we deliver about 4 million
gallons in a 24-hour period thru the pipeline.
One day is diesel the next day is jet fuel,
and gasoline, regular, and premium grades.
We have 34-storage tanks here with a total
capacity of 16,800,000 gallons.
Only buy or fill up your car or truck
in the early morning when the ground
temperature is still cold.
Remember that all service stations
have their storage tanks buried below ground.
The colder the ground the more dense
the gasoline, when it gets warmer
gasoline expands, so buying in the
afternoon or in the evening...
your gallon is not exactly a gallon.
In the petroleum business, the specific
gravity and the temperature of the
gasoline, diesel and jet fuel,
ethanol and other petroleum products
plays an important role.
A1-degree rise in temperature is a
big deal for this business.
But the service stations do not have
temperature compensation at the pumps.
When you're filling up do not squeeze
the trigger of the nozzle to a fast mode.
If you look you will see that the trigger
has three (3) stages:
low, middle, and high.
In slow mode you should be pumping on low speed,
thereby minimizing the vapors that
are created while you are pumping.
All hoses at the pump have a vapor return.
If you are pumping on the fast rate,
some of the liquid that goes to your
tank becomes vapor. Those vapors are
being sucked up and back into
the underground storage tank so you're
getting less worth for your money.
One of the most important tips is to
fill up when your gas tank is
The reason for this is,
the more gas you have in
your tank the less air occupying its empty space.
Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine.
Gasoline storage tanks have an internal
floating roof. This roof serves as zero
clearance between the gas and the atmosphere,
so it minimizes the evaporation.
Unlike service stations,
here where I work, every truck
that we load is temperature
compensated so that every gallon is
actually the exact amount.
Another reminder. If there is a gasoline
truck pumping into the storage tanks when
you stop to buy gas,
DO NOT fill up--most likely the
gasoline is being stirred up as the gas
being delivered, and you might
pick up some of the dirt that normally
settles on the bottom.
I edited this email and took names
out as not to
get anyone in trouble.
According to a recent US study, "Commuting in America":
- U.S. drivers wasted 4.2 billion hours sitting in traffic in 2005According to the SightLine Insitute (single passenger statistics):
- A small car emits around .59 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile
- A medium car emits around 1.1 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile
- An SUV/4 wheel emits around 1.57 pounds of carbon dioxide per mile
Some of these stats just astonish me and make me wonder why the American public doesn't suck it up and either:
1. Car pool with other co-workers
2. Ride the bus or train, some cities are even going as far as to find alternative fuels to power these types of transportation to help their carbon footprint kudos to those cities.
3. Ride a bike or walk if you don't live that far from work.
4. Telecommuting is a popular new way to work, you work for the same company but from home only having to got to the office once or maybe twice a week or not at all.
5. Some companies are finding that a 4 day work week helps their employee's by giving them 10 hour days or 4 days and still get paid for 5 or 40 hour work weeks. Cheaper for the worker and the employers say that job productivity is much better.
I actually have a friend that telecommutes (only because he had to hold a job and made a big boo boo and lost his license due to a DUI, yes he learned his lesson too.) he loves the fact that he can work from anywhere in his house, be in his pj's, and do pretty much anything he wants while working all in the privacy of his home. His pocketbook loves it too, because his job is like 50 miles from his house.
A friend of mine sent me a email a few weeks back that had tips to help you get what you pay for at the gas pumps. The best times to fill up and what to watch for with scams. Which most of these tips make a lot of sense I will post that email here and another that I think is important to let you know about later this afternoon.
There are all kinds of services that can hook you up with the right car poolers just Google car pool town, ride share, or lift share. Good luck in your search ;) if you intend to conduct one. Well its off to find that email have a great day all.
I do appologize for the different fonts it went all haywire on me when I went to italisize something UGH!!! Oh well I guess this just proves it to be a learning curve for me